Child Welfare Credentials

Certified Child Welfare Supervisor
This exciting new credential is the first in the country to establish a set of core competencies for supervisors in the child welfare system. This credential denotes that Certified Child Welfare Supervisors have a solid foundation of knowledge in child welfare models, evidence-based practices, and systems of care to achieve safety, permanency, and well-being for children and families. This credential also denotes that they can use this knowledge to effectively lead, motivate, and manage the performance of supervisees to ensure quality in service delivery and achievement of case plan goals.

Certified Child Welfare Case Manager
Certified Child Welfare Case Managers have demonstrated competency in the critical skill set necessary to work with vulnerable children and families on their caseload as they make the changes necessary to achieve and maintain safety, permanency and well-being. Competencies relate to proficiency in case management services, such as planning, monitoring, engaging and motivating clients, and evaluating the achievement case plan goals. Certified Child Welfare Case Managers have demonstrated their ability to develop professional relationships that facilitate connection of clients to needed services, foster collaboration, and enable advocacy efforts on the behalf of clients.

Certified Child Welfare Protective Investigator
Certified Child Welfare Protective Investigators have demonstrated competency in using a variety of investigative skills to collect information about allegations of child maltreatment, and make a series of determinations and recommendations that impact the safety, well-being and permanency of children who are identified as victims of child abuse, neglect, abandonment, threatened harm or other maltreatment. Certified Child Welfare Protective Investigators have demonstrated their ability to conduct effective interviews, assess the nature and extent of maltreatment, assess and intervene in safety issues, work with legal authorities and courts in all phases, and work in partnership with families, teams, and related professionals in planning/executing case plans.

Certified Child Welfare Licensing Counselor
Certified Child Welfare Licensing Counselors have demonstrated competency in the administrative functions of licensing procedures, quality assurance, and management of foster homes. Responsibilities include gathering all information pertaining to the licensing of the prospective foster families, as well as the facilitation of the licensing requirements. Certified Child Welfare Licensing Counselors have demonstrated their ability to recruit, train, and prepare foster care parents, assist in appropriate linking of foster parents with children in need of out-of-home care, and provide direct support to the foster families in an effort to maintain placements and retain qualified foster parents. In the event of an allegation of abuse by a foster parent, the licensing counselor will work with the Protective Investigator to assure the child’s safety and wellbeing while in care.

Guardian ad Litem (GAL)
Certified Child Advocate Manager
Certified Child Advocate Managers are employed by Florida’s Guardian ad Litem (GAL) Program Office, which is a statewide program that recruits, trains, prepares and supports volunteers who are willing to serve as a Guardian ad Litem for dependent children. Certified Child Advocate Mangers are the front line, responsible for preparing and maintaining a team of GAL volunteers, and, in the absence of a volunteer, the Certified Child Advocate Manager performs the services of the GAL. Certified Child Advocate Managers have demonstrated their competency in child advocacy management, volunteer coaching, relationship building, management, and support, and court preparation and presentation.