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National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals

Enrollment now open in Texas through the Texas Alliance for Child and Family Services

Enrollment in all states coming soon.

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Whether you are a child welfare professional, an organization or an entire system of care, the National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals offers a multi-tiered platform for professional certification that is based on nationally-established competencies and standards. Earning one of our credentials validates professional competence, demonstrates a commitment to safe and quality care, and inspires the public trust through adherence to the highest standards of care for Child Welfare Professionals.

The National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals brings the first national professional certification to enhance, elevate and advance the child welfare workforce. Its mission is to protect children and families in the child welfare system by systematically establishing, promoting, and disseminating professional standards of practice, as well as regulating our certified workforce. A menu of service and technical assistance options to organizations and state systems of care are available.

Child Welfare Team

Our organization focuses on:

  • Providing a full spectrum of certification development, administration and professional regulation services.
  • Consulting with state child welfare agencies or non-profit organizations on planning, developing and instituting uniform standards and credentials within their state.
  • Administering legally defensible, high-stakes child welfare certification examinations.

Child Welfare Certified Professional Resources

Child Welfare Case Professionals One Sheet

National Certification Board for Child Welfare Professionals – One Sheet

Child Welfare Supervisor Role Delineation

Certified Child Welfare Supervior (CCWS) Role Delineation Study Report

Guardian Ad Litem Certified Child Advocate Manager

Guardian Ad Litem Certified Child Advocate Manager (CCAM) – Detailed Test Blueprint

Child Welfare Protective Investigator

Child Welfare Protective Investigator (CWPI) – Role Delineation Study Report

Child Welfare Case Manager

Child Welfare Case Manager (CWCM) – Role Delineation Study Report